
Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in Marry Me Sign and for taking the first approach in planning your ultimate proposal. With our impeccable reputation in New York City and Miami, our mission is to help guide couples towards marriage! Please send us a message to begin planning your event. We will be more than happy to address any questions.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Your Preferred Event location
Keeping this a surprise is crucial , therefore our team will call you stating the following sentence. "Hello we are calling from MMS is this a good time?"
What's Your Budget ?
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Contact Number

You can reach us at any of the following numbers. Monday-Thrusday 10am - 4pm.

+1 (914) 279-2815

Email Address

Feel free to message us in the following email address.


We are located in the Tri-state area and now serve Miami.

Ready To Get Started

Our custom proposal planning first begins with a free consultation where we get into the nitty gritty of your proposal planning. We look forward to accompanying you on your journey to “yes!”